Friday, November 19, 2010

Family Portrait Session

Last Saturday, we went with my sister to a great location to get some family portraits for Christmas cards. My sister, brother-in-law and his mom got some great shots I thought. Which one do you like best?

Well, this one is not in the contending because as you can see, Sydney is not in the shot. This is when Sydney decided she was not part of our family. I guess I can't blame her- she fell asleep in the car on the way over and so we woke up her from her nap to try to take some pictures.

A mommy and baby shot- I know, he has his pacifier in, not ideal, but he was getting cranky.

#1- I don't really like Sydney's "get me out of here" look but the scenery was nice!
#2- I tweaked the colors on this one a bit, trying to get the bright glow from the background. Any photoshop pros know how to reduce that glare? (Wendy???)

#3- This one might actually be the same pose as before just at a different angle. we had two cameras going at once.

#4- Sydney has a huge grin but I like it!

And here are just some more fun shots from the shoot. This picture was actually taken by Sydney's cousin, Liam, which you'll see in the next pictures. I know! He's got talent for a not-even-four-year-old.
Sydney and Liam:


Party of Five said...

Darling family! And I just realized I NEVER got you the pics I took of you last summer! UGH, I'm so sorry! And slightly embarrassed at my slackin' :). I will dig them out and get you a cd - if for nothing else than posterity! Very cute pics, though as a family of 4! Woo hoo!

Unknown said...

Aww, they are very cute. =) I laughed a lot when I saw the first one with Sydney and Liam, Liam totally has his "pimpin' it" face on. haha. But I am glad Sydney decided she wanted ot be part of the family, they are very cute pics.