Friday, November 18, 2011

No more colds! and family portrait

Sydney and Jonas have been afflicted with an nasty cold for WEEKS now. Running noses, congested at night and coughing some, it's not been fun :( Sydney missed 2 weeks in Nursery and they both missed reading time at the library for 3 weeks now. But they are finally better. No runny noses!

Jonas has been so cute lately with all his little discoveries. He's waving more, he brings you stuff and waits for your happy "Thank you!". He LOVES handing you stuff. He's been helping pick up, he'll put the blocks in the bag when we're picking up. He also likes to close the dishwasher door. Even though he usually does it when I am still trying to load the dishwasher it's still cute. He sometimes eats more than Sydney.

Sydney is in big-time princess mode. She loves wearing a dress any day of the week and loves playing princess. One week she was talking a lot about weddings and soon after I found a Disney princess wedding coloring book. So cute! she loves it! She's bouncing between orange and blue being her favorite colors. We keep working on shapes and letters. She has S and B down. I'm working on A and J (for Jonas! I think she's almost there with that one).

We started a thankful tree and I told her I was writing family first. I asked her what she was thankful for and she said, "Jesus!". Melted my heart. I know she's learning that from our prayers.

We went and got portraits done at Sears. I would LOVE to be able to hire a photographer and go out on a nice day and take some amazing photos but we don't have that kind of money! I found a coupon for a free photo session, 1-image CD, 8x10, 5x7 and 4 wallets for a grand total of $10.86. The photographer wasn't as experienced as I would have liked but for $10, I'll stop complaining now.

I liked Sydney's pose and Jonas was looking at the camera the whole time. I was surprised he didn't wiggle. It was an interesting experience for him! I hope to get some Spring photos and be able to get him to smile for those!


Cat and Blake Potter said...

CUTE meg! i loved getting all caught up with you, I MISS YOU! i can just hear you when you write, and it makes me smile :) love ya!

Montana Wilkins said...

I so get you with the wish to get the fancy family portraits!!! It would be nice. But I do think the one you got turned out darling! Sydney's little face is adorable and Jonas looks like his daddy!
I also love that Sydney is into princesses because it seems like in other posts you've mentioned not-so-girly things she loves too. You're raising a well-rounded child apparently!

Party of Five said...

Ok- I'm so sorry that your fam has been sick! No fun. Also, I TOTALLY agree with Janet that Jonas looks like his daddy. He is darling. Sydney's pose is also DANG CUTE! Your family pics are great!

The Wright Family said...

Love your family pic!