We MOVED! Not very far but we moved. We have been looking for a cheaper place to live. Last Monday 1/26 we went and looked at a house a little outside
Rexburg and we liked it a lot. We thought the owners would not work with us if we decided to leave, if I got a Job(this is Brian BTW). Well Tuesday they called and said they would like it if we got the place but we need to take over in Feb.
Unfortunately we had not given 30 days notice at our other place but we liked it so much we decided to go for it. Yesterday 2/2 we finally got everything out and finished up cleaning. It has been crazy and we
appreciate everyone that helped us out. Meagan has done the majority of the Packing and Cleaning because of my work. SHE IS SIMPLY AMAZING!
Now we are waiting to see if we can rope someone into taking over at least part of February. Cross our fingers
Our new place looked like it was hooked up for cable but
unfortunately it is not. No cable = no
Internet = hard to make posts. We are working on that so do not expect many post in the near future.