Today, Sydney was blessed! Brian did an excellent job and we were happy to have family and friends participate in the blessing: Father Tuck, Cousin Russ, Mike Wanstrom, John Holt, Marc Sunderland, and Ben Cook. Thanks for all your love! Also, we had several sisters help with recording Sydney's blessing. I will post that as soon as I get around to compiling all the transcripts. 
Grandpa and Grandma Tuck

I want to thank Sydney's Great-Grandma Sanders and Great-Aunt Melanie for this beautiful heirloom blessing dress!

That dress is amazing! It is obvious a lot of work went into making it. I also LOVE the second to last picture of Sydney. Hope we get to meet her someday!
aww that's sooo cute!! How old is she now???
Ok this is kinda random, but I tag you.. ;) loves!!
Sydney was 16 days old in these pictures. As of October 24th, she is about 3 weeks old!
What a little angel! She is so cute! I definitely want to see her in person soon! (As soon as you feel up to going to eat or something) :)
She's so cute Meagan! You are such a happy family. = ) Btw, you look way better in the blessing photos than I did at Kaylin's, lol. We are very happy for you both.
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