Friday at 8:45pm Little Sydney Tuck was brought into the world at Madison Memorial Hosipital. Mom and baby are resting peacefully after a 36 hour labor that wore both down, and ended in Meagan having to have a C-Section. Sydney is a healthy little girl born at 8lbs even and a length of 21 inches and was labeled as "The most quiet baby we have ever seen," by the nursery attendants. She is feeding well and is doing everything on o

r before schedule so we are glad. She is extremely beautiful. Our family has remarked that she has Meagan's eyes and my nose and mouth. She has brown hair with a twinge of red showing. We are recoperating at the hospital and can't wait to take her home.
We would like ot thank everyone who has helped us. Meagan's family was great. They showed so much support and helped make Meagan's experience as easy as humanly possible. They are trying to soak up as much baby time as they can before they have to leave tomorrow morning. My mom was here too rooting Mea on during contractions and lending a comforting hand when called upon. She will be a great comfort with Meagan still in stiches.
We hope to be home by Monday evening at least so more visitors the merrier. More pictures to follow